Hon'ble Mr. Justice M. Shafi Siddiqui

Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh
Chairman, Board of Governors
Sindh Judicial Academy


Vocational Course Sindh Judicial AcademyVocational Course Sindh Judicial AcademyVocational Course Sindh Judicial AcademyVocational Course Sindh Judicial AcademyVocational Course Sindh Judicial AcademyCertificate_Ceremony_imageCertificate_Ceremony_imageCertificate_Ceremony_imageCertificate_Ceremony_imageCertificate_Ceremony_imageCertificate_Ceremony_image



This Annual Report is Designed & Published by I.T Department, Sindh Judicial Academy.

Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Kalhoro

Judge High Court of Sindh
Director General
Sindh Judicial Academy


important Links

Activities 2023 - 2024

In the beginning of the year 1992, Chief Justice and Judges of the Honorable High Court of Sindh felt the importance of judicial education and training for the judges in the province of Sindh. Thus, the Sindh Judicial Academy was established in May 1992 under a resolution of High Court of Sindh. In 1993, the Sindh Judicial Academy Ordinance, 1993 (Ordinance XVIII of 1993) was promulgated to provide legal cover for its working and functions. In the year 1994 Sindh Assembly repealed the Ordinance by the Sindh Judicial Academy Act, 1993 (Act IX of 1994) which was promulgated on 7th March 1993. The Preamble of the Act reads as under:
“Whereas it is expedient to establish a Provincial Judicial Academy in the Province of Sindh, in the manner hereinafter appearing”
The Sindh Judicial Academy is performing the following functions according to the Sindh Judicial Academy Act, 1993:
>> legal orientation, training of members of the subordinate judiciary, law officers and members of the bar;
>> continuing education of members of the subordinate judiciary;
>> holding of conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposia for improvement of judicial system and quality of judicial work;
>> providing information on legal and constitutional research
>> to conduct departmental examinations of members of establishment of subordinate courts and the High Court;
>> publishing of journals, memoirs, research papers or reports; and
>> performing such other incidental functions as may be approved by the Board or as may be requisite to further its objectives

Proposed Building Plan
Sindh Judicial Academy